Camlock Adaptors for Flat Out Sullage Hose

If your van outlet looks like this main product image (showing a Camlock male fitting F), then you can use the following parts to connect Flat Out sullage hoses effectively to your rig.
Measure your van's male camlock fitting outer diameter. Then use link to determine the size.
We have fitting setups available for the most common sizes that include the required downward elbow for the flat out hoses.
Available Kits:
Camlock 1" to 25mm Barb [SK2723]:
Camlock 1" to 32mm Barb [SK272924]:
Camlock 1 ¼" to 32mm Barb [SK2833]:
Have a size or fitting not pictured here? Please contact our team for further advice if needed.
$35.50 AUD