Flat Out's Compact Multi-Reel is Perfect for Starlink for RV!

Posted by Lisa Hamilton on

Are you a Tech-Nerd-Nomad? Or perhaps, like so many of our Flat Out customers, you're a traveller who appreciates staying well connected no matter where you are...
That's why you've invested in a Starlink for RV, you want a high quality internet connection on the road! Now you just need to find a way of looking after it.
Did you know our Compact Multi-Reel is perfect for your Starlink-for-RV cable?!
We know how precious the connection cable is, and now you can have a beautiful, sturdy, tangle free, protection and storage system with Flat Out's Compact Multi-Reel.
The full 30m lead fits on the Compact Multi-Reel, and we now also provide short lengths of flexible mini-conduit to protect the bend at the centre core. Because it is data cable, you can leave some length inside the Multi-Reel when in use (DO NOT do this with electrical lead, it will heat and melt).
Customers have devised multiple ways to store the cable, you can run it in end to end, or double it up and start at the fold so both ends poke out (half the winding) - again our conduit is handy for this situation. 

We've put together the perfect kits for the digital nomad complete with a handy short length of conduit to protect your cable. They'reavailable now! https://flatoutmultireel.com.au/collections/starlink-rv-cable-reel

Main images courtesy of Daniel Courtney from @overland.exposure.


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